will that be all sir?

Thursday, 25th, May

Soundperformance by Caro Mendelski, Johannes Lange and Jakob Lorenz, 20 min

„Will that be all, Sir?“ is a film loop, which is synchronised by two speakers in real time. Meanwhile the text is faithfully synchronised for the first fourteen iterations of the fifty seconds long scene, in the follwing loops small differences sneak in.

Another “sound of the door”, various background atmospheres, different emphases of the texts.

Through changing film music, alternating sound designs and diverse ways of speaking and emphasizing by the two speakers, sheer manipulation of the scene emerges eventually.

Even though we supposedly see the same footage over and over again, it is fascinating to ascertain how much the stated parameters can influence our perception of the film Loops.

registration here

shakshuka star

Saturday, 27th, May

performative dinner by Julian Knoth and Caroline Flegel

Shakshuka, favorite dish of Israelis. Poached eggs in a sauce of pepper, tomatoes and spices, slightly spicy, with flat breatd and humms. We are cooking Shakshuka, because we love it.

registration here

terry jo wanted

9 PM, Friday, 26th May
Film screening by Katharina Jabs (32 min)
„We need a hornet snake, a sharp hornet snake, right now”

With: Liliana Orsini, David Krzysteczko, Anselm Roser
Director: Katharina Jabs

registration here

hyperreal sportsbar reading

9 PM, Friday, 26th May

performative lecture by Judith Engel, Christiane Heidrich, Sabrina Schray (Stuttgart), 45 min

Where imagination demands the real thing and, to attain it must fabricate the absolute fake. Reenactement of unannounced regular sportsbar readings.

With texts by Judith Engel, Christiane Heidrich and Sabrina Schray – Read by Manja Kuhl, Valentin Leuschel and Hanna Plaß. (In German language)

registration here

nothing but (flowers)

7 PM, 28th May, Sunday 

performance von Sabrina Karl (Stuttgart)

I do not know anymore what my home is, and where. Maybe I never did. For some time, again and again, I thought, home is bound to a specific place, a specific person. Now, there is neither the place nor the person. What remains?

registration here


7 PM, Friday, 26th

theater performance von Julian Knoth

nodo (Italian for „knot“) is a theater performance by Julian Knoth. he mainly focusses on the knots, that we have got in our perception and how we can unravel these knots. but maybe everything is just going to be worse.

registration here

my pleasure

Saturday, 27th, 12.00 – 18.00

performance one to one by Tyska Samborska

The project is an experimental one to one performance aiming to question and transform the position of public and performer. Marvin Carlson says: ‘…these arts (performance) require the physical presence of trained or skilled human beings whose demonstration of their skill is the performance.’ Do you agree?

 I propose for us to spend one hour together. 

Me as a performer, you as a public.

You as a performer, me as a public?

You will decide, create, direct.

And it will be my pleasure.

 registration here

diaspora poetry

Wednesday, 24th May

Diaspora Poetry, poetry Slam by Deidra Freemann, Aneisha Jones, Barbara Gilchrist Feyl (Stuttgart) – in cooperation with Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland Bund e.V., 45 min

The Initiative of Black People in Germany presents Diaspora Poetry, Spoken Word about heterogeneity and intersectionality in the black community.

registration here

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